Mommy-Baby Communication

How Keeping a Pregnancy Journal on Mommy-Baby Communication Helps You

Aug 26, 2022

Why Should I Keep a Pregnancy Journal That Includes Mommy-Baby Communication? 

Your pregnancy is one of the biggest events in your life, whether it’s your first or your fifth child. Each child is unique and each pregnancy is very different from the rest of them. It’s an honor to your child and to yourself to complete your pregnancy journal – and it becomes part of the legacy you leave to your child and family.

Twenty to 30 years from now at family get-togethers, what you write in your pregnancy and baby journal has become immortalized! Your family holds you in high esteem for completing this pregnancy keepsake journal gift that keeps giving to the family. 

Keeping a diary for pregnancy is a way to record things that happen that you won’t necessarily remember even a year later, and especially if you have other children. Once your newborn arrives, life gets very busy and it’s easy to forget all the great moments you had with him while he was in the womb. What you write becomes a keepsake for your child – and for you, everything you wrote shows you why they were so special.

18 Benefits of Using This Unique Keepsake Pregnancy and Baby Journal

1) Remember What Happened

Your journal keeps your memories intact. Simply re-reading them allows you to revisit those wonderful moments in time.

2) Insight Into Your Child’s Behavior

Your journal may uncover connections to different “why” questions your son or daughter has

3) Stress Reduction

Journaling in your Mommy-Baby Communication in the Womb Diary & Journal is a way you can relieve stress. Writing about your feelings via journaling in a baby keepsake journal (pregnancy keepsake journal) is one of the best ways to let those negative feelings go. It’s cathartic to write them, and as if the paper somehow grabs them all and won’t let you take them back! 

4) Transform Yourself Easily 

Journaling about your unborn baby helps you ease into any transformations you want to make during pregnancy. Don’t worry about recording times where you had bad days or thought the worst of the situation. What you write in your pregnancy and baby journal will make you more human in the eyes of anyone reading it years later. Besides … you are sacrificing a lot of things for this baby and going through a lot! People need to know about it!

The Mommy-Baby Communication in the Womb Diary & Journal allows you to overcome bad moods and/or character traits you choose to change – and still makes you look good. There are tables for what you achieved in the areas of personal transformation during first, second, and third trimester. If you don’t achieve something, simply don’t write it in your journal.

5) Stay on Track with Your Goals

Your pregnancy and baby journal helps you stay organized. You can record lists of what you want to do tomorrow and for the next week, and there are tables that ask you to track your exercise, diet, weight, doctor visits, and the communication you are having with your unborn baby.

6) You Recognize Your Baby’s Communication Style

After you have completed your journal, patterns will emerge from the data that show you what your baby’s communication style is. You will use this information in your relationship with your child the rest of your life.

7) Sheer Inspirational

This mommy-baby communication journal – because it is so full of miracles – becomes inspiration on ‘bad’ days. Simply re-read all the wonderful messages from your child and you will see that you are in a state of awe and gratitude where negative feelings can’t exist.

8) People Can’t Argue With You

The evidence of your communication with your baby in your womb is indisputable on the pages of this keepsake journal. If a naysayer (about communication in the womb) confronts you about it, you can simply say, “My whole pregnancy journal is filled with communication from my baby in the womb. Nothing you say will convince me otherwise.” The naysayer will back down quickly. Another win for Mom!

9) Mommy Confidence

This pregnancy journal gives you an abundance of confidence in your ability to enter motherhood. Each week you are overcoming small challenges in how to communicate with an unborn baby that can’t communicate in normal adult ways. By paying attention to the nuances, you learn how to discriminate and discern, an important and critical thinking skill.

10) Precious Gift to Your Child

Your unique journal becomes the most precious gift to your child that they could ever receive in their lifetime. It’s filled with all his or her “primitive” or “primal” thoughts, feelings, and actions. It’s all about him and helps him understand himself. 

11) Joy

Your entries in your diary of your pregnancy bring joy when you re-read them.

12) Convenience

It’s convenient to journal. You have two ways to enter data – either by printing the pdf and writing them out or entering them online on your computer and printing it later whenever you wish to have it in your hands. 

13) Miracles

This journal is a journal of the miracles of life that have been bestowed to you. That alone brings you closer to God.

14) Stronger Families 

Your journal entries help you build strong relationships within your family – for life. They see your sacrifices and value all your efforts. And you respond by

15) Easy to Do

The design of this mommy-baby communication journal makes it easy for you to fill out and gives you plenty of examples. 

16) Gain Expertise 

You become an expert in mommy-baby communication while completing your journal! You’ve done something that very few women can say they have done.

17) Baby Feels Loved

Your desire to fill out this journal sends a clear message to your baby to start communicating with you more! 

18) Enjoy a Mom’s Life 

This unique journal helps you enjoy motherhood more deeply than ever before.

And More!

You may even have additional benefits of keeping a pregnancy journal that aren’t on this list. But you won’t know about them till you get started.

Whether you are three months pregnant or seven, it’s time to start journaling! In fact, research shows that the third trimester is when your baby’s senses are close to being fully developed, if not already developed. It’s when you are most likely to communicate with your baby although many babies are adamant about making contact as early as first trimester or even at conception! 

Get all the messages from your unborn baby down in this communication journal. You will never regret it! 

If you are not a mom, is there someone you are close to right now that could benefit from this communication journal? If so, this could be the best gift she will ever receive … as the information inside the journal entries could change the entire family line from now on. Everyone in the family could become friendlier and more helpful to each other because they share a kindred spirit together.