Is Talking to Baby in the Womb Necessary During Pregnancy? Part 2

Jul 05, 2023

Read Part 1 Is Talking to Baby in the Womb Necessary During Pregnancy?

Let’s move on to the next reasons.

Reason 3: Communicating with my unborn baby seems unrealistic during a hectic pregnancy.

This view is based on the idea that pregnancy is a super busy time and there are numerous things to tick off on a checklist that must get done. There’s no extra time for anything else. Although that is somewhat true, mom-baby communication with the unborn is not something that is a must-do for any list.


Instead, it’s something you lovingly choose to do, like checking in with a friend who needs a little emotional support. Your baby lies in the womb waiting for some communication from the outside. And during pregnancy, studies have shown that a mom’s brain changes, becoming more wired for social interactions. This makes her want to communicate with her unborn.


Remember, this type of communication is not about expectations that you have to be perfect during your pregnancy, even though you may have morning sickness.


It's about embracing the possibility of a richer, more meaningful relationship with your unborn child. The experiences with the unborn that are shared by mothers show there is something truly remarkable happening within the realm of mother-child communication in the womb.


Something Called Awe Moments


You may be familiar with or have heard about the power of awe moments – and how they improve health, mindset, and help you realize that life is absolutely wonderful at times.


An awe moment in pregnancy is one where a certain aspect of pregnancy becomes real to you, and you know without a doubt that what just happened is real. For many moms, these pregnancy awe moments are ones where babies make communication with mom on their own accord. They don’t wait for Mom to ask for communication; the babies demand communication or give mom a revelation of some sort.


Every story in The Womb Diaries shows you firsthand that no matter what the moms learned during pregnancy, they had awe moments when their baby communicated with them. Each awe moment gave them an emotional high that lasted for several days – and they couldn’t wait until the next instance occurred. That one awe moment in pregnancy created expectancy that it would happen again.


Once you experience a moment where your baby indisputably communicates with you, you will see for yourself that it is real, it brings you awe, puts you in a completely different state of gratitude for life, and you want it to continue happening. This is when it becomes real for you.


In a small way, these moments may be similar to buying your first brand new car. You imagine sitting in your new imagined car and driving it but it still seems unrealistic until it actually happens. Psychologists now say there’s no difference between imagining something and actually having what you imagined become a real live event. The brain perceives them both the same.


The Difference In Communicating with Baby Before and After Birth


Talking with your unborn baby is like talking to your baby who’s born. The only difference is that the baby has not arrived yet. When you continue to talk with your unborn baby for several months, when a very unique mommy-baby communication moment – an awe moment in pregnancy occurs, the fireworks go off in your Spirit and Soul. It really happened! It’s exciting! It’s real!

Allow yourself to explore this uncharted awe moment territory and unlock the boundless love and connection that awaits you and your baby. The Womb Diaries is a gateway to uncovering the wonders of communication with your unborn. Read those mom’s stories!

The Next Reason Why Moms Don’t Choose Mom-Baby Communication

The next common reason relates to fear in trying something new when old ways of nurturing worked in the past.

Reason 4: Can’t I nurture my relationship with my baby in other ways?


There is no one-size-fits-all approach to motherhood, and every mother's journey is unique. Communicating with your baby may involve talking, singing, dancing, walking, exercising, listening, and many other “normal” methods – when the baby is born.


The only difference here is that you are including your unborn baby in the picture, and thus need a little modification.


By taking the opportunity to nurture this extraordinary connection in the womb, you have the chance to create a deeper and more meaningful relationship with your baby.


In The Womb Diaries, you will read stories about dads who refused to communicate with baby #1 during pregnancy because “it’s silly.” After birth, the baby refused to have a relationship with her father. He was ignored. Those fathers didn’t feel too satisfied with those results.

With Baby #2, the father changed his attitude and developed the communication skills– and from the minute they both laid eyes on each other, they were deeply in love! Their relationship is super close. 

By reading the stories and pondering the insights shared in The Womb Diaries, you enter into a brand new world of possibilities for you and your baby.

What to Ask Yourself About Nurturing Methods

Many new moms ask questions like how do you nurture a baby in the womb? How is nurture involved in prenatal development? These are excellent questions and there are others you can ask to determine if what you are choosing is a great nurturing method.

When deciding whether or not to embrace a new way to nurture your unborn baby, ask yourself these questions:

• Will the method bring me long-term results? If so, what are they? Is there data to back it?

You already use this criteria with other things you are doing during pregnancy. For example, you have done the research on the results of artificial preservatives and chemicals on the unborn. You know there are long-term results and have read some of the studies, and you made your choice based on what you read. Now take this criteria one step farther and consider MBC.

• Is the method something that fits into my pregnant lifestyle?

This criteria is one you have already been using as well. While thinking of your birthing plan, certain styles of birthing fit into your lifestyle and others don’t. Now take it one step farther with MBC.

• Is the method something that can be shared by my husband and the new baby’s siblings?

Many things you do during your pregnancy are things you’ll do alone. But with MBC, it’s something that is family friendly.

• Will the method be one that will positively affect my health or the health of my baby?

With MBC, there are no negatives. It positively affects your health and your baby’s health, according to the studies.

Read Part 1 of this article here