Mommy-Baby Communication

Moms Feel Awe When They Have Mom-Baby Communication in the Womb

May 06, 2023

Mother’s Day is every day when you’re a mom talking to your baby in the womb!


Why? Because every time the baby communicates with Mom, the mom feels AWE!

That’s one of the reasons why you have to read The Womb Diaries. All Mommy Baby Communication Starts Here. Even reading the book when you aren’t pregnant brings about a state of awe. Click here...

And if you’re pregnant right now, journaling about your mom-baby communication will help you feel a sense of awe about every day in your pregnancy.

We have a journal to help you identify all the instances where your baby is actually communicating with you, to record them, and make them be part of your family’s legacy. Click here...

When Awe Hit Me

Being in the state of awe has been found recently to improve our health!

Awe occurs when something happens that is so much out of the ordinary that it makes us say to ourselves, “Wow, what just happened? Was that amazing or what?”

I remember the first time I felt awe when I was pregnant. The spirit of my baby girl in the womb “spoke” to me inside my head and said, “Look Mama, there’s a car seat just for me” as I was considering buying a new van at the car lot.

At first, I brushed it off like most people would do. Later I realized it shook my world. Who was that voice? It certainly wasn’t me. And my world of what I thought was real collapsed. There was another aspect of reality that was much bigger than what I had ever imagined. I felt small in this big world. And it was wonderful. Interestingly, I was compelled to hear the voice of the baby’s spirit again.

A proportion of pregnant moms also go through similar situations. In them, they get a sense of something that is outside themselves yet they know it is true, absolutely without a doubt. They begin longing for the next time Baby’s Spirit will talk to them or communicate in some way with them. It’s what moms go through. Well, of course, that’s the ones who know about mom-baby communication. Not all women do.

And that’s why I’m on a mission to help moms find their awe during pregnancy.

The awe of pregnancy is the beginning of closeness to God for many moms. I believe that with my whole heart.

What Exactly is Awe?

Awe is a state where we are in deep wonder about the way things work in life. We appreciate life and living. We sense there is a bigger scheme to this universe we are in – and feel God’s presence for a time. It literally changes our world, no matter if we ever believed in God before or not. That’s what the scientists who study so far have agreed in their research.

Awe raises our vibration. Awe gives a sense of gratitude and keeps us in this place of love. We feel giving. We feel whole. There is no fear in a state of awe. No anxiety. No vengeance. No jealousy. No bitterness.

It’s almost as if all time stops and we’re in another realm. We keep replaying what just happened – whether it’s an awesome thing someone did for you, something amazing in nature, an act of giving where you felt so blessed, or any other situation that brought you the feeling of awe. We can’t let go of awe. It’s life-changing.

You Miss Out on Awe If You Have an Abortion

Awe is something that pregnant moms feel – but it is never something felt by those who just had an abortion. They only feel relief that their “problem” is gone and it’s time to get back to life as usual.

And this alone has to be considered if there is a decision-making process when one finds out they are pregnant. And think about it, when a woman chooses life, she is choosing the baby – and awe for her every day of the pregnancy. When she fills her nine months with choices that bring awe, her life and relationship between herself and her baby will only be good.

If I could teach women one thing, I’d teach them to look for awe every day of your pregnancy. When you do, you become the mother you want to be.

And for those who aren’t or won’t ever be pregnant, I’d teach them to fiil their lives with choices that bring awe. Living in awe is living in wonder. It’s living from a state of living life from its abundance. Awe pours out more to you in life more than you can imagine.