
Welcome to TheWombDiaries.com Blog!

Jul 05, 2022

Unborn babies are talking to their moms every day in every country of the world – and very few people know it! It’s time to change all this!

What would life be life when mommy-baby communication in the womb is thought to be real, understood, and something that gives moms the motivation they need every day of their pregnancy.

This blog will challenge you, expand your mind about what is possible with your baby, and fill you with hope, inspiration, wisdom, and joy about being a mother.

The stories in The Womb Diaries are what today’s women need to remember all the beauty and benefits of being a woman. I feel our society has lost this over the last few decades. Where’s all the fun that occurs when Moms communicate with their babies?

What you can expect from this blog is any of the most relevant information on prenatal communication, prenatal life, communication with the unborn in multiple ways, nutrition for the mom during pregnancy, nutrition for the baby, birthing practices, and everything even remotely related to the topic. If something has the ability to affect the mom during pregnancy, it has the ability to affect the unborn baby and thus, the communication between the two.

All this knowledge could help you unleash your baby’s potential beyond measure.

Sign up for our newsletter to keep yourself updated. I look forward to hearing some of your true stories!

Dr. Donna